Settling in for Khaleesi
Ok so it's been about two weeks since Khaleesi has got here. From close inspection, I believe she is female. I read details on forums saying that a small tail like hers indicated her being female. She has gone from a weight of 106g to just over 116g which I think is a good Gain and she is a heavy eater. It's quite interesting to see the differences between her and Handsome Bob. She likes to hide a lot especially when going to sleep whereas Bob doesn't like or use his hide at all. He sleeps out in the open and tends to dig up his hide and throw it around. Towards the end of the month, I shall briefly introduce them to each other but I won't leave them alone as he is still a good bit bigger then her. He has had a massive gain from 197g to 223g since my last post which I am really happy with. He is very active as usual but also is becoming much tamer and settling to his routine. In my next post, I'll hopefully have some pictures of them meeting.
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