Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Eating and Breathing

Hey again,
With a couple of days under his belt, Handsome Bob is doing much better. I was a bit worried by a few things which I will go through. I am about 99% sure they will happen to others but with a bit of looking into it, found there was nothing to worry about. 
Firstly, he kept moving without moving…I know it sounds strange but he was almost bobbing. I assumed he was posturing as he didn’t like me or there was something wrong but  I have actually found out that tortoises don’t have diaphragms-they have to move like that to breath so that was the first worry off my mind.
Secondly was the lack of eating. I hadn’t seem he take a nibble at all which was worrying but again after a little bit of research found that tortoises are creatures of habit and don’t like their routine changed too often. So to speed up the process of him eating, I hand fed him a little apple and after that he was eating fine on his own-two little dishes of leafy veg a day. 

He seems to be delighted with his table. He spends all day climbing around and eating, quite an active little guy. I am just working on getting a routine that works for both of us. He seems to still be waking and sleeping at roughly the time the pet shop opens and closes whereas I tend to get up quite early in the morning so am turning his light on the same time I get up and off around 7pm or 8pm.
That’s all for this post. Next post will be an update on how he is getting on and also will be more on me bathing him.
See ya!

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