The day has come im finally going to introduce Handsome bob and khalessi needless to say i am quite excited they both have there own tables but ideally they would be housed together.

I started by putting them in a neutral environment together i.e living room floor and low and behold what happens? My sexing appear to be accurate as no sooner do I put them down, Bob is on top of her giving it his all.....after separating them a few times, I thought it was almost hopeless between the attempted mating and trying to nip at legs, I didn't think they would get on. So I began researching it a bit more. After a couple of hours reading, I decided to try again. This time, I cleared out his table and put in all new substrate as it's the much bigger one and I added a divider and a couple of logs and rocks. This time, I put them both in and once again he goes straight to it within a few minutes, though this time he's as if he got used to her. So I watched over them for the rest of the day and it appear they have almost developed a relationship. They follow each other around now, eat together and he has never slept in his hide but now she sleeps in there and he does too. I'll update in my next post with how they are getting on.